Sunday, June 1, 2014

Days 12 through 14 - Stupid Internet....

     I'm back online! Finally!!! Dear lord I was missing my internet connection. I don't know what it is but with my old Toshiba laptop and now with my desktop there are just times when the computer refuses to connect to the wifi. It will tell me connections are available but just won't do it. After a few restarts it normally picks up but this week has been super annoying with the wifi!!!

     BUT I  am back and I'm trying to keep it moving. Now I have a terrible memory and can't for the life of me remember all the food I eaten except for last night and today's food choices. I can tell you however that last night and today have been a complete suckfest!!! Food wise anyway. I have not been in the mood for rabbit food or to cook absolutely anything. So...I didn't.

     Part of me feels like a real failure over the weekend but you know I can't let it stop me. Trust me I want to stop. I haven't lost weight (not a big surprise since my exercise has been lacking, but still I was hoping for at least two pounds...I don't know why), so I feel discouraged, I hate having to cook so that is becoming more of a nuisance, and I'm just generally sick of it actually.

     I'm not really a fan of anything that I am doing. So I'm trying to figure out how to make this less annoying for myself because I can't stand looking down (after I look past my chest), and seeing this stupid tire around my waist. It's killin my vibe and my self esteem. The only thing I really about myself is my hair. So something is going to have a work. I just have to find what it is and keep it moving.


  1. Hey tomorrow's another day...take one day at a time but be sure to at least do a brisk walk. Don't look for physical results right now. Just do what u need to and the results "will" come. Hang in there girl!

    1. I have read and personally experienced that you do not really see the effects of hard work of eating healthy and exercise until you have been at it consistently for 30days and you just look at yourself one day and notice that extra weight melted away like butter - soft and easy.... It's just gone! Keep at it.Is it possible you are focusing on too many different goals? maybe just focus on water intake 2 weeks then on week 3 & 4 started adding the healthy meals and then 5-6 add walking...? I don't know, maybe that may be more achievable. I am just trying to keep you encouraged! Ditto the comment above - HANG IN THERE! You obviously have some cheerleaders at the finish line!
