~21 Day Fix~
I am currently on day six of the plan. Despite my laziness I have been doing my best to keep up with each workout. It has me sore almost every day but I feel great afterwards. I'm slowly starting to understand how people like to workout. I get that nice energized/relaxed feeling after my shower.
Anyway there are a total of eight different workouts:
Total Body Fitness
Upper Fix
Lower Fix
Pilates Fix
Cardio Fix
Dirty 30
Yoga Fix
So far I am liking the Pilates Fix and even the Upper Fix. I need to invest in some light weights for the start of next week's workout so I get REALLY benefit. Each workout is roughly 32-33 minutes including the warm up and cool down session.
What I really enjoyed seeing for once in these DVD's is there is a larger woman in them who is doing the workout too. Now she is doing the modified versions BUT it's encouraging to see someone who looks more like me now powering through these workouts. It makes me feel less bad about not pushing like all the other six packs jumping around on screen.
Now the next very important part is the nutrition! Everyone knows you can work out all you want but if you're not eating right then forget it! I know I've learned that. So there is a whole eating plan that is given to you. It is based on portion control, and she gives you some nifty little helpers.
Each container holds something different.
Green - Veggies
Purple - Fruit
Red - Protein
Yellow - Carbs
Blue - Healthy Fats
Orange - Seeds and Dressings
Teaspoons - Nut butters and Oils
Every day you're allowed to have a certain amount of containers. Me personally I can have four green, 3 purple, 4 red, 3 yellow, 1 blue, and 1 orange container. I mix them up through out the day and usually I'm never hunger. Combine with water and you'll be good. As far as 'treats' go there are some wonderful recipes that I want to try out soon so I can give in to my sweet tooth!
Now I won't lie the first time I saw these containers I was like 'there is no way this will work'. Well It does work and I'm excited to keep up this program. You all should hit up beachbody.com and join me!
I'm considering adding a mile walk or bike ride starting my second week to add just a LITTLE extra work in there. What do you think? C'mon people comment and let me know!
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