Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 1 - On Track

Okay so this first day was a breeze, at least for what I had set up for myself. For once I actually got up a little earlier and cooked myself a little breakfast.

I really hate having to get up in the mornings even though like clock work I'm up no later than 8 am. My bed and I have a special relationship BUT...we're going to have to break up for a while.

Anyway! Before I deviate too far back to my breakfast. No pictures today because I thought about it after I had already eaten way more than half. So it went as follows:


2 Eggs
1 Handful of Spinach
1 Cup Strawberries


1/4 Cup Granola ( and I only ended up eating half of that amount...I'm not mathematical so I refuse to figure out exactly how much that is)

Apple Slices


Sushi (I completely forgot what kind...I know I know bad Rochelle!)


The rest of my left over granola


Mixed green salad with a very small amount of chicken, literally a pinch of bacon and cheese, and 1/2 tablespoon of ranch


So I know this wasn't the BEST I could have done food wise, but when you're on a budget and this is what you have a home...this is much better than what I normally would have done.

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